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Saturday, May 28, 2011


Oops, so that did not work. :D I'm in the Philippines currently, so not much computer time. I don't know what happened with the first post, but I'm going to try and recreate it once I get a chance.

----- EDIT -----

I returned from the Philippines late last night and am procrastinating doing actual work, so I am re-visiting my muff up of a first post.

So, I was in the Philippines with the MechE department on an engineering service trip, as I may have mentioned in one of our get togethers. It was exactly what I expected in some ways and entirely not what I expected in others. It was a very worthwhile experience and I learned a lot of interesting things about construction, Filipino culture, perseverance, gratitude, religion, and myself. I have many stories and photos if any of you are interested to hear more. For now, here are some notable occurrences:

- Dealing with all convenient toilets breaking the first day and remaining so for the next three
- Having a following of literally 30 kids who would hang on to our cars as we drove out of the villages
- Trying to tear down an entire house while curious, naked toddlers played dangerously nearby
- Building a platform for a water pump for a village that was elevated 7 feet above ground by wooden stilts
- Losing my shorts while enjoying an au naturel dip in Taal Lake, an almost having to spend the rest of the day in boxer briefs if not for a trusty friend saving the day with an extra pair of shorts

And that's all for now. I hope all is well in whichever part of the world you are occupying currently. I am currently in Pittsburgh, and shall remain for the rest of the summer. Let me know if you're in town!

--- Patrick (Danger Milhouse James) Hogan

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Woot, summer!

And yay, summer blogs! I personally have not been up to anything since coming home two days ago, except vegging out with Hulu and making brownies. Pictures of that and some chocolate cake may go up tomorrow. :D I'm psyched for summer and can't wait 'til Orientation, yeahh!



Hey all,

So I guess the summer is finally here...

As I promised...we're making a blog! This is a nice way to stay connected and share all the fun we're having over the summer...I can't wait to hear what you all are doing and get to know you better through this blog! Post whatever you, videos, goofy links, etc...(appropro!!!)

(Cough) David (cough cough) more baby pictures!

Jen...let's photo-bomb this blog with our cats!!! And Kai...more of your music-making??? lol

So you get the idea...check in from time to time...

Mudge Love,

P.S. if you wanna make this blog prettier or dress it up more...lemme know and I'll make you admin...